Estimation and Costing Engineer

The Design House Studio

Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh

5 /5 (1 review)
  • Full Time
  • Civi Engineer
  • 0 Year - 3 Year
  • 120,000 - 360,000

Job Opening 1

The Design House Studio


Job Description

1. Takes off quantities from interior design drawings and prepares precise bills of quantities (BOQs)

2. Compares the interior design BOQ with the actual site quantity

3. Advises and bills for extra-items

4. Non-BOQ items, and claims

5. Analyzes market rates and prepares costs

6. Estimates quantities, cost of interior/civil materials and labor to determine project feasibility

7. Prepares and sends ID quotations, BOQs, technical data sheets, and more.

Company Info

THE DESIGN HOUSE STUDIO is an innovative Architecture practice firm established in JULY 2015 By Ar ChandniAgarwal Dixit (Graduated from Apeejay AITSAP 2012 Architect Shashank Dixit (Graduated from ApeejayAITSAP 2010)

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