Designing a Shared Kids' Bedroom: A Step-by-Step Guide

  • Author : KreateCube
  • 22-Mar-2024

Designing a shared bedroom for your kids can be a challenging task. Not only do you have to consider the preferences and personalities of each child, but you also have to make the most of the limited space available.

shared kid bedrooms

But don't worry, with some creativity and planning, you can create a functional and stylish shared bedroom that your kids will love. In this guide, we'll share 10 creative ideas for designing a shared kids' bedroom that will make the most of your space and keep your kids happy.

Why Design a Shared Bedroom?

a) Promotes Bonding and Sharing

Designing a shared bedroom for your kids can promote bonding and encourage them to share and cooperate with each other. It can also help them develop important life skills such as compromise, communication, and respect for others' space and belongings.

b) Saves Space and Money

Designing a shared bedroom can also be a practical choice for families with limited space or a tight budget. By combining two children's bedrooms into one, you can save space and money on rent or mortgage, furniture, and utilities.

c) Encourages Independence

Sharing a bedroom can also encourage independence in children. They learn to take care of their own space and belongings, and they can also learn to respect and take care of their sibling's space and belongings.

Factors to Consider When Designing a Shared Bedroom

a) Age and Gender of Children

When designing a shared bedroom, it's important to consider the age and gender of your children. This will help you determine the layout, color scheme, and overall design of the room.

For younger children, you may want to opt for a more playful and colorful design, while older children may prefer a more mature and neutral color scheme. If you have a mix of genders, you can choose a gender-neutral theme or incorporate elements that reflect each child's interests and personality.

b) Individual Needs and Preferences

Each child has their own unique needs and preferences, and it's important to consider these when designing a shared bedroom. For example, one child may prefer a quiet and cozy space, while the other may prefer a more vibrant and energetic environment.

You can incorporate elements that cater to each child's needs and preferences, such as a reading nook for the quieter child and a play area for the more energetic child.

c) Storage Solutions

With two children sharing a bedroom, storage can quickly become an issue. It's important to incorporate enough storage solutions to keep the room organized and clutter-free.

Consider using multi-functional furniture, such as beds with built-in drawers or shelves, to maximize storage space. You can also use storage bins and baskets to keep toys and other items organized.

d) Personal Space

Even in a shared bedroom, it's important for each child to have their own personal space. This can be achieved by dividing the room into designated areas for each child, such as a study area or a play area.

You can also use curtains or room dividers to create a sense of privacy and personal space for each child.

Must Read: Ideas to Make Kids Study Room Interesting

Creative Ideas for Designing a Shared Kids' Bedroom

a) Bunk Beds

Bunk beds are a classic solution for shared bedrooms. They not only save space but also add a fun element to the room. You can choose from a variety of designs, including traditional bunk beds, loft beds, and bunk beds with built-in storage.

To make the most of the vertical space, consider adding shelves or a desk underneath the top bunk. This will provide extra storage and workspace for your kids.

b) Trundle Beds

If bunk beds aren't your style, consider trundle beds. These beds have a pull-out bed underneath, making them perfect for sleepovers or accommodating guests. During the day, the trundle bed can be pushed back under the main bed, freeing up floor space.

c) Loft Beds

Loft beds are another great option for shared bedrooms. They have a bed on top and an open space underneath, which can be used for a desk, play area, or storage. This is a great way to maximize space in a small room and give each child their own designated area.

d) Built-in Storage

In a shared bedroom, storage is key. Built-in storage is a great way to save space and keep the room organized. You can add built-in shelves, drawers, or cabinets to the walls or under the bed. This will not only provide storage but also add a unique design element to the room.

e) Color-Coded Spaces

To give each child their own space in a shared bedroom, consider using a color-coding system. You can assign a specific color to each child and incorporate it into their bedding, curtains, and other decor. This will not only make the room more visually appealing but also help each child feel like they have their own space.

f) Room Dividers

If you have enough space, consider using room dividers to create separate areas for each child. This can be done with curtains, bookshelves, or even a large piece of furniture. Room dividers not only provide privacy but also add a unique design element to the room.

g) Shared Study Area

If your kids are old enough to have their own desks, consider creating a shared study area in their bedroom. This will not only save space but also encourage them to work together and help each other with homework. You can add a large desk or a long table with individual workspaces for each child.

h) Personalized Bedding

To give each child their own space in a shared bedroom, consider using personalized bedding. You can choose bedding with their favorite colors, characters, or patterns. This will not only make the room more visually appealing but also help each child feel like they have their own designated area.

i) Wall Decals

Wall decals are a great way to add a personal touch to a shared bedroom. You can choose decals with your kids' names, favorite quotes, or images. This will not only make the room more personalized but also add a fun and creative element to the space.

j) Utilize Vertical Space

In a small shared bedroom, it's important to make the most of the vertical space. You can add shelves, hooks, or hanging organizers to the walls to provide extra storage for toys, books, and clothes. This will not only save space but also keep the room organized and clutter-free.

Recommended Read: 14 Hand-Picked Ideas for Decorating Kids Bedroom


Designing a shared bedroom for your kids can be a fun and rewarding experience. With these 10 creative ideas, you can create a functional and stylish space that your kids will love. Remember to involve your kids in the design process and consider their preferences and personalities to create a room that they will enjoy spending time in.

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